I am taking a couple of days off, heading to my North Carolina farm to do some winterizing of the house there. Should be back Tuesday.
Please vote on Tuesday, if you haven't already. If the Senate swings to the GOP, there will be some very unpleasant days ahead leading up to the 2016 elections. The ACA will be struck down in a pro forma way and that bill will go to the President's desk . He will veto it of course, but millions who have never had medical coverage may end up losing theirs. Any semblance of legislation will be blocked by the Majority leader of the Senate. It might not be Mitch McConnell, but nonetheless, whatever the GOP bitches about Harry Reid doing or having done to thwart their legislative return to the 17th century, believe me, they will do.
You may have a Sarah Palin type woman as Iowa's first female Senator. She carries a 9MM pistol with her at all times to protect her and her family and she has said, in true Sharron Angle fashion, she might use it to defend herself from a federal government who will force her to do things she doesn't want to do. Cue the black helicopters. This is the most toxic and dangerous candidate out there in my view. The utter difference between many years of Tom Harkin and the impending foolery of Joni Ernst is pretty scary. Iowa. You're better than this. Please come to your senses and deny this idiot her fifteen minutes.
Good luck to Michelle Nunn, Rick Weiland, Jeanne Shaheen, Kay Hagan and Bruce Braley. Good luck to Mark Udall who is fighting against a candidate who favors a personhood amendment. I'd hold my nose and vote for Mark Begich, Mark Pryor and Mary Landrieu, because the alternative is almost as scary as Ernst. It is inconceivable that the Koch Brothers can pour enough evil money into Minnesota to defeat a decent legislator for his constituents, Al Franken. But even that race is close, so don't be complacent. Vote for common sense ballot initiatives in your state that will keep it in the 21st century. You have no idea of the desperation of the tea party or the RINOs. There is a difference between them, idealogically, but not as much as you think.
Anyway, you get the idea. If you don't vote, don't bitch about what will happen in the future. Because it will happen if these monsters get their way. And the worst thing about it, is that the 1% will have stolen elections with secret dirty money-- and not give a rat's ass about you or your loved ones.
And finally, I called that sniveling little shit head, Mark Levin a liar this week. I meant it. Tune him in on the radio someday to find out where the opposition wants this country to be. Scary. And Halloween is over.
Condolences to the former Cubs manager, Rick Renteria. But I welcome Joe Maddon as the new Cubs manager. That was a tough call and Ricky can weigh his options and chill out because he's going to get paid for not being the Cubs manager for the next two seasons.
I'll be posting again on Wednesday and we'll see if the country actually did what the pollsters say it's going to do;Mainly add by subtraction. So take time to exercize your right to chosse who your leaders are- sad bunch that they are. I hope you don't get your vote shitcanned because of draconian voter ID laws.
Enjoy the weekend. And go Bears. Let's go up to Lambeau and make a statement there.
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