Monday, October 27, 2014

LSM, rumors and bad beginnings.

Which stands for "lame stream media".  Here are a couple of things they are not  covering. I wouldn't be looking for them to do so either.

1. The Andinia Plan: One of Alex Jones' faves, whereby the the President of Argentina is already in cahoots with the Israeli Government, allegedly setting the stage for mass migration for Jews to the Patagonia regions of southern Argentina and Chile. Will Arabs migrate to neighboring countries so that the fun can continue?

2. A report in Business Week, on the staggering continuation of foreclosures in Wayne Country (Detroit) and an anonymous group who allegedly paid 3.2 million dollars for 6000 blighted properties.True? False? Had you heard about it? Call David Muir and tell him to get his chops sharpened. You have the right to know what entity is going to take over Detroit.

Nope. We're talking about Ebola and maybe mandatory quarantines , ISIL, the IRS, let's keep talking about Benghazi too. Apparently, the Vikings can win without Adrian Peterson. Dilma Roussef was reelected President of Brazil after a pretty heavy Twitter presence. If you own Facebook in any quantity, they report earnings after the bell today. And Jordan Matson, an ex military conscript who served two years during the glory of the Iraq war, but was never deployed in a war zone wants to use social media to recruit foreign fighters who hate the Islamic State. And he's ready to go over there to join up and get into the fight with the Kurds. And there are the rumors that Michelle Obama want to run for Senator from California in 2018, provided that Dianne Feinstein retires. That will be an awkward realtionship if Barack is hangin' in Chicago with the rest of his Saul Alinsky buddies.

Maybe one of the last bits of warm weather before the cold season. I loved the SNL parody of the Matt McConaughey commercial by Jim Carrey There is a very important election next Tuesday. But either the public is too disinterested, worn down or has been lied to so effectively, they just don't care. This election is more important than 2016. But don't tell anyone. The oligarchs and unoligarchs who are pouring frightful amounts of money into key Senate race states don't want you to know that. 

And yes, last week was not a great week in terms of people flipping out and killing other people, whether a gun, hatchet or whatever was used. Don't worry folks. It's only the beginning. And we're so fortunate to have Ann Coulter, Anderson Cooper and Pat Robertson to explain it all to us. Maybe the media isn't the only lame thing.

What did Carrey do with the booger? I think he handed it to the President and asked him to something with it. Obama gets blamed for everything else. Booger flicking would be the latest. I think Darrell Issa could chair that oversight committee. 

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