Friday, December 13, 2013


Ah, North Carolina. I am walking on our property of 27 acres in McDowell County. We're here to attend Warren Haynes' yearly event, Christmas Jam. Warren is the founder of many bands, not the least of which is Government Mule. He's been the driving force behind this event and this is the 25th anniversary  He knows some musicians who come and play for the good that this event does; all the proceeds go to the Western Carolina Habitat For Humanity. The vibe and all that goes with it is amazing and it's among many reasons that I love this diverse state and hope to live down here permanently some day. That day is still a ways off but if you don't make a plan, the dream has no chance of coming true. The shows are in Asheville, which is sometimes affectionately called the Paris Of The South. It's one of my favorite places- funky, freaky and wonderful. North Carolina has been undergoing a little political upheaval since 2010. We bought the property about then but had no idea what might transpire politically. It matters but at the same time it is tempered by my love of this area. 

You might notice I have opinions in my posts. Why would you bother to follow my blogs if I didn't? I've been coming to NC for nearly 40 years and always knew, somehow I might end up here. So even though local people have taken the state in a very different socio-political direction, I am a visitor here and I may comment from time to time on what I think about that. Many aspects that upset people are that folks they consider outsiders come in and try to make policy. I will be civil, but I too will live here some day, pay taxes here and will care about what goes on here. There is a reasonable way to do that. I will figure out a way to do so in a positive manner. 

For now I am still a tourist guide, extolling the many virtues of this state. I am happy to be here this weekend to participate in a charitable event that does much good for the less fortunate. I'll be writing about the lineup of players next week. Last night was pre-jam event at a local club and if that was any indication of what's to come, I'll hope to have great stories to tell.

For now, I will take leave because I'm on a little vacation but the writing goes on. Again , I thank you for looking in on this thing and if you like what you read, tell your friends. I hope to have many followers. 

Peace and have a happy, safe weekend. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Snatch defeat from the Jaws of VIctory

River Rescue, Part 1. I watched Paul Ryan and Patty Murray standing up  and announcing compromise yesterday. He's 6' 1", so that makes Senator Murray 3' 9"*. Poor Paul Ryan! He may be headed for another embarrassment most of the damage inflicted by his own party. The budget deal still tilts away from added revenues which may be crucial to a sustained recovery. On the other side, entitlements were left alone so until this deal is read and disseminated, it's hard to see who compromised on what. Both principles represent the well thought of legislative branch of government. You know the one I mean; the one with the approval rating between 9 and 13%. The only clear things to come out of this is to avoid another government shutdown. This is being touted by the punditocracy as being accomplished. So amidst all this happiness and relief, there will come a vote before Congress adjourns for the year. Stay tuned. A successful thumbs up on the deal is currently in doubt, with Presidential hopefuls basically against it. But they voiced their disapproval early in the week and by the time everyone is enjoying holidays, people will have forgotten what it is they said. One of the things that was left out of the bill was an extension of unemployment. It is said that 1.3 million people will be adversely affected by this omission and those who are responsible for that don't want you to remember that either. No immigration reform, no farm bill, little retirement of the effects of the sequester. But we have started to see the dark money warriors beginning another round of "defund and repeal Obamacare ads. Just remember- there's always room for Jell-O.

So as a salute to the people who really run this country, today's humstles are:
Pete Seeger- Little Boxes
Creedence Clearwater Revival- Fortunate One.
Long John Baldry- Everything Stops For Tea.

*Patty, I know you're not 3' 9".

Steve Stockman, R- Texas wants to ask you a question at this festivus time of the year: 'Who, in your foxhole, is bayoneting you in the back?' Did you ever notice that people who blithely use military type terms, have never served? Have you also noticed that Stockman's hero, whom he called a true patriot never served either. You know who I mean- the bowhunting, guitar playing guy who was jailed and executed by his communist government after Barack Obama's re-election? I forget his name, "so I got that going for me. And that's a good thing"

Today is the second day of my "Trade Starlin Castro to any team that needs a shortstop" campaign. It is easy to maintain composure and actually learn to enjoy baseball purgatory, when your team hasn't won a World Series in 105 years. I just don't think I care any more. Especially when my favorite team is owned by Joe Ricketts. Dooooooonnnnnnnn't get me started!!!!

Major props to Warren Haynes, whose annual Christmas Jam is happening this weekend in Asheville, N.C. All performers play pro bono and ALL proceeds go to the Western Carolina Habitat For Humanity. That is one of the greatest works of faith, hope and charity there is; one whose aims were forever advanced by the "worst President in the history of the U.S." Attribution is difficult here because so many have said it in so many different ugly ways. Just a hint: It's a little wild animal with a 3 lettered name.

I no longer flip the bird to people. I have managed a takeoff on Rocky IV, where he can't see and tells Duke Evers and Paulie that he sees 3 Dragos out there. So Pauly says "hit the one in the middle"And Duke, says "yeah, hit the one in the middle. So if someone is giving you a hard time, hold up your ring, bird and index finger and tell whoever's bugging you to.... well, you know. Happy Wednesday. Be well and thanks for readin

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Out of my cave

What a couple of days. I have reconnected with people I've had no contact with for nearly 50 years. I had resisted social media for a long time and my recent involvement doing this and sorta getting social with old and new friends has been really great.

So today's humstles are:
Cat Stevens- Wild World and Paul Simon's Myth of Fingerprints

I still love this new forum for writing, and connecting.  Real life has also tapped on the window and said, "hey remember me?" So, maybe some posts will be shorter but I hope to clear those things and stretch things out again soon.

Baseball's winter meetings have begun- a rite of winter to remind me that my Cubs still suck. But for a week I can play pretend General Manager and make lots of trades. Of course, that's like whistling in the wilderness because like the tree in the forest, if I make noise, nobody's going to hear me. And to paraphrase Yogi, 'if people don't want to listen to me, well, nobody's going to stop them.'

There is a major musical event coming up and I will try to report about it in real time or after it's over.

Paul Ryan and Patty Murray are close to a budget deal- or so the story goes. Who's going to **ck this one up? 4 more days of the unremarkable 113th Congress. Do NOT get me started. But we're all grateful for Rand Paul going to Detroit and telling them what to do to bring about the 3rd great renaissance for the motor city after it emerges from bankruptcy. Special interest have such a death grip on elected officials, that gridlock is really not much of a mystery. More about that in the next few days as we give some sort of requiem for a body that accomplished so little. Let's hope they understand that cutting people's unemployment is not something voters will forget.

RIP JIM HALL. There is news of his passing this day and I want to pay tribute to a great guitarist. He played with many and really made a mark on me. So many people still alive and kicking with their music at advanced ages. Always sad when one of them leaves the scene.

I know most everybody is getting ready for serious holidaying, so I'll keep this short. There aren't enough hours in the day to do all that we think we can accomplish.

Thanks for visiting. As ever, I am most appreciative.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Off campus post

Well, it's time to see if I can do this remotely. I like just sitting at my desk and posting. But I travel at times and since this is getting to be a 6 or 7 day thing there will be times I need to get out of my zone to write. 

So, here is a remote post. Testing!