Saturday, November 1, 2014

Please Vote

I am taking a couple of days off, heading to my North Carolina farm to do some winterizing of the house there. Should be back Tuesday.

Please vote on Tuesday, if you haven't already. If the Senate swings to the GOP, there will be some very unpleasant days ahead leading up to the 2016 elections. The ACA will be struck down in a pro forma way and that bill will go to the President's desk . He will veto it of course, but millions who have never had medical coverage may end up losing theirs. Any semblance of legislation will be blocked by the Majority leader of the Senate. It might not be Mitch McConnell, but nonetheless, whatever the GOP bitches about Harry Reid doing or having done to thwart their legislative return to the 17th century, believe me, they will do.

You may have a Sarah Palin type woman as Iowa's first female Senator. She carries a 9MM pistol with her at all times to protect her and her family and she has said, in true Sharron Angle fashion, she might use it to defend herself from a federal government who will force her to do things she doesn't want to do. Cue the black helicopters. This is the most toxic and dangerous candidate out there in my view. The utter difference between many years of Tom Harkin and the impending foolery of Joni Ernst is pretty scary. Iowa. You're better than this. Please come to your senses and deny this idiot her fifteen minutes. 

Good luck to Michelle Nunn, Rick Weiland, Jeanne Shaheen, Kay Hagan and Bruce Braley. Good luck to Mark Udall who is fighting against a candidate who favors a personhood amendment. I'd hold my nose and vote for Mark Begich, Mark Pryor and Mary Landrieu, because the alternative is almost as scary as Ernst. It is inconceivable that the Koch Brothers can pour enough evil money into Minnesota to defeat a decent legislator for his constituents, Al Franken. But even that race is close, so don't be complacent. Vote for common sense ballot initiatives in your state that will keep it in the 21st century. You have no idea of the desperation of the tea party or the RINOs. There is a difference between them, idealogically, but not as much as you think.

Anyway, you get the idea. If you don't vote, don't bitch about what will happen in the future. Because it will happen if these monsters get their way. And the worst thing about it, is that the 1% will have stolen elections with secret dirty money-- and not give a rat's ass about you or your loved ones.

And finally, I called that sniveling little shit head, Mark Levin a liar this week. I meant it. Tune him in on the radio someday to find out where the opposition wants this country to be. Scary. And Halloween is over. 

Condolences to the former Cubs manager, Rick Renteria. But I welcome Joe Maddon as the new Cubs manager. That was a tough call and Ricky can weigh his options and chill out because he's going to get paid for not being the Cubs manager for the next two seasons. 

I'll be posting again on Wednesday and we'll see if the country actually did what the pollsters say it's going to do;Mainly add by subtraction. So take time to exercize your right to chosse who your leaders are- sad bunch that they are. I hope you don't get your vote shitcanned because of draconian voter ID laws.

Enjoy the weekend. And go Bears. Let's go up to Lambeau and make a statement there.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

I voted

I will be out of town on November 4th so I took advantage of early voting today. I was asked for my address. I gave them a picture ID because I don't have an issue personally about proving who I am. It occurred to me I do have an issue whereby a polling official can ask you to provide an ID if they want to. I didn't have time to crap around. Like most voters, it doesn't fill me with pride anymore, but I am grateful that I am enfranchised to do so and really hate that in many states, ruling political parties (who know who you are) have made the ability of many to vote very difficult. I like early voting because it is short and sweet (once you've proven who you are) and compared to long lines on Tuesday, it's an easy choice. It obvious to me that shortening the dates where people can vote early (coincidentally in red and swing states) is an attempt to suppress the vote- particularly among minorities, the elderly and the low attention span voter. We have heard that states would get draconian about the ease of voting and they have. However, for all of the millions that are spent on billboard and printed ads , I have long held and written often, that monies should be deployed to make certain that people who might face disenfranchisement due to the wishes of ruling legislatures, bent on denying such rights, get an ID and are driven to the polls by the parties "ground game" experts. The onus has been on them and I hope they did just that, because if you listen to the polls and the fire predictions for next Tuesday, you would think that all is lost. The GOP and Mitt Romney in particular, and all the Dick Morris and Karl Rove types were dead certain that Romney would win the Presidency by 4 to 7 % points in 2012. Ah, the ground game. And wasn't the result sweet on November 5th and beyond when Rove had to 'splain to his donors why they flushed millions of dollars down the commode when he promised them it would be money well spent. I shed not a tear. That same little turdblossom was on Fix News today confidently ginning up his low info base already announcing the results of early voting in, shall we say, "key" states. Of course it is overwhelmingly Republican.

It's different this year. I posted all the reasons (including the ones I made up) that everything that goes on in the world, is Barack Obama's fault. Nonetheless,  it just feels like the haters have prevailed and there is so much anger that people are angry and not very careful about whom they take their anger out against. Well, except the skinny Kenyan Commie Community Activist and his cheeky wife who tells our kids what they should and shouldn't eat. Damned Marxist, Socialists, taking our guns away. taxing the rich so that the poor can get more free stuff. Hobnobbing with Fat Governors from Hurricane stricken statesDamned Golf obsessed, imperial "dear leader" who keeps his shmeckle in his pants and tries to end wars that have gone on too long. How long? If you had a kid back when and he's studying for his bar mitzvah today, a war was started on the day he was born and still isn't over. That's how fucking long!

This is my last appeal. Please vote. Just not for Eliot Cutler up in the great State 'O Maine.
Just kidding Eliot. Of the very small percentage of people who read my ravings, you sort of know how you line up on issues. Don't Vote for them. Vote for You. You're the best reason not to stay home or sit this one out. It's really important. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Let's play scapegoat and really fornicate this country

Everything written herein is Barack Obama's fault. 

I can't find a job, so... 
I found a job but it wasn't what I wanted, so...
My congressperson is an uninformed liar who ignores my opinions, so...
My kids are addicted to junk food , so...
I voted for a President who would end 13 years of constant war, so...
The media doesn't cover real news; just what they think the public wants, so...
My food stamps benefits were cut, so...
There are too many guns in the hands of unstable people, so...
I'm black and I haven't been lifted up, so...
There are too many meth labs in my county, so...
4 brave people lost their lives in Libya, so...
The Constitution is no longer a relevant document, so...
Congress only works 2/3 of the year (if that), so...
Nobody has taken my guns away from me, but...
There is a resurgance of racism in this country, so...
The Supreme Court is riddled with activist judges, so...
Steve Wynn's company's stock has risen nearly 400% since the 'great recession" so he says...
The United States is a pig at the trough of corporate greed and self interest, so...
Michele Obama supports gardening and exercise, so...
The Democratic Party is riddled with 'commies and socialists', so...
My 401K has increased by 75% in the past 5 years, but...
One of my choices for President in 2016 is a greasy, bully who has lost nearly 100 lbs and that should make me like him, therefore..
The national debt is lower and the deficit has been cut during the past 6 years, but...
My kid's school board President is LGBT, so...
I have healthcare for the first time in my life at an affordable price, but...
In violation of the Constitution, local militias are increasing in frightening proportions and that's because ...
Our political process is a sham, populated mostly by millionaire do-gooders with agendas different from a majority of the country, and...
Babe Ruth wasn't calling his shot in the 1934 World Series. He was shading his eyes form the sun, but...
The election next week should be a referendum on the gridlock and ugly politics rife in this country. therefore.... And I'm not smart enough to realize that that I've likely been frightened and angered by a media, unnamed corporate oligarchs and politicians who lie and face no consequence. But what the hell. It's not my fault...
Our leaders now represent and behave in the manner of the very thing we secretly fear the most-- ourselves.
I will quite likely vote against my own self interests because a television network so artfully lies to me, that I will not even hesitate. And....


I think that's enough for today. Please vote. Everything good and bad gets all fucked up if you don't.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

More "never agains"

Let's start with any newsperson in the field (not "on the ground" {that's been banned}) who answers the talking head's question with the word, absolutely. Next one is double down. That's when you (politician) say something stupid and when you're challenged by the ludicrous nature of what you said, you show the voting public you're a person of substance and you mean what you say. So not only did you mean what you said yesterday, stupid or not, you double down on your own stupidlity because that's a trustworthy trait for a politician who won't won't change- because change is perceived as weakness.

I am hopeful that the POTUS's patented "ground game" comes out of the woodwork and fucks with all the pundits one more time, next week. Just about every poll says that will not happen. More outside money is being poured into races to make sure that the person on the ballot you want to vote against is the President.

Having said that, I think the time is long past where the voting public has an alternative to the two party system and the manner(s) in which they use the system to ensure that true independent voices are never heard. Money is a good silencer. An adoring media is another way to shitspeak the very notion of publicly funded elections and equal treatment to somebody with something other than a D or an R behind their names and titles. When you break down the numbers behind the numbers, it is clear that any system that has the approval of less than 10% of the eligible voting population should be scrapped. ---palpable sigh---

Will Kansas City stave off the Giants in game 6? I'd love to see it. I root for a team that used to be where the Royals were and it pleases me to see how the Royals were built and the patience that was shown in those players. That's the way it should be. The Yankees, Dodgers and Red Sox are prime examples of franchises that generate so much revenue, that they can go out every off season and buy the players they think will put them back in the World Series. There are notable exceptions of course and really, those are the teams that people root for. But I do love the Giants too. If they win, and that would be for the 3rd time in five years, that would be.... I'm not going to use that word.

It's smacks of a value system that is being broken down and that systemic failure is what is scaring so many people in this country. If you drive anywhere in this country and believe me I do, when you see potholed roads, crumbling bridges and depressing "same shit every 12 miles on our highway systems", you begin to understand why people don't have a grand view of the future. "Let's see, Arby's, Popeyes, Burger King, McDonald's-- I just can't make up my mind." I guess any of those will do. It's nice to have a country that's a little too slovenly, too bleary eyed and too scared to ask for a referendum that ends the monopoly of road feed that is just no good for us. So, who's it good for? You know. ---another sigh---

Time to get on a ladder and scrape shit out of the gutters. Winter will be here soon and if I don't it will be too late. When it gets all gooey and leafy, that's the stuff you put in your compost bin. The last time I emptied it, although it was 2 years in the making, I had really good black rich soil for my garden. Nothing grew but that's because of global wetting and all the rain that soaked everything. And if that wasn't the culprit, it was probably me. Or Barack Obama. 

Speaking of POTUS and I'll leave it here-- in the interest of simply getting outside your cool groove, Mr President, I think a lot of people would love it if you called a press conference, deliberately opened up your notes (no teleprompter) and just spoke from the heart: 

My fellow Americans.  Just Go fuck yourselves.  
Would you love that??? I would. 

Monday, October 27, 2014

LSM, rumors and bad beginnings.

Which stands for "lame stream media".  Here are a couple of things they are not  covering. I wouldn't be looking for them to do so either.

1. The Andinia Plan: One of Alex Jones' faves, whereby the the President of Argentina is already in cahoots with the Israeli Government, allegedly setting the stage for mass migration for Jews to the Patagonia regions of southern Argentina and Chile. Will Arabs migrate to neighboring countries so that the fun can continue?

2. A report in Business Week, on the staggering continuation of foreclosures in Wayne Country (Detroit) and an anonymous group who allegedly paid 3.2 million dollars for 6000 blighted properties.True? False? Had you heard about it? Call David Muir and tell him to get his chops sharpened. You have the right to know what entity is going to take over Detroit.

Nope. We're talking about Ebola and maybe mandatory quarantines , ISIL, the IRS, let's keep talking about Benghazi too. Apparently, the Vikings can win without Adrian Peterson. Dilma Roussef was reelected President of Brazil after a pretty heavy Twitter presence. If you own Facebook in any quantity, they report earnings after the bell today. And Jordan Matson, an ex military conscript who served two years during the glory of the Iraq war, but was never deployed in a war zone wants to use social media to recruit foreign fighters who hate the Islamic State. And he's ready to go over there to join up and get into the fight with the Kurds. And there are the rumors that Michelle Obama want to run for Senator from California in 2018, provided that Dianne Feinstein retires. That will be an awkward realtionship if Barack is hangin' in Chicago with the rest of his Saul Alinsky buddies.

Maybe one of the last bits of warm weather before the cold season. I loved the SNL parody of the Matt McConaughey commercial by Jim Carrey There is a very important election next Tuesday. But either the public is too disinterested, worn down or has been lied to so effectively, they just don't care. This election is more important than 2016. But don't tell anyone. The oligarchs and unoligarchs who are pouring frightful amounts of money into key Senate race states don't want you to know that. 

And yes, last week was not a great week in terms of people flipping out and killing other people, whether a gun, hatchet or whatever was used. Don't worry folks. It's only the beginning. And we're so fortunate to have Ann Coulter, Anderson Cooper and Pat Robertson to explain it all to us. Maybe the media isn't the only lame thing.

What did Carrey do with the booger? I think he handed it to the President and asked him to something with it. Obama gets blamed for everything else. Booger flicking would be the latest. I think Darrell Issa could chair that oversight committee.