I will be out of town on November 4th so I took advantage of early voting today. I was asked for my address. I gave them a picture ID because I don't have an issue personally about proving who I am. It occurred to me I do have an issue whereby a polling official can ask you to provide an ID if they want to. I didn't have time to crap around. Like most voters, it doesn't fill me with pride anymore, but I am grateful that I am enfranchised to do so and really hate that in many states, ruling political parties (who know who you are) have made the ability of many to vote very difficult. I like early voting because it is short and sweet (once you've proven who you are) and compared to long lines on Tuesday, it's an easy choice. It obvious to me that shortening the dates where people can vote early (coincidentally in red and swing states) is an attempt to suppress the vote- particularly among minorities, the elderly and the low attention span voter. We have heard that states would get draconian about the ease of voting and they have. However, for all of the millions that are spent on billboard and printed ads , I have long held and written often, that monies should be deployed to make certain that people who might face disenfranchisement due to the wishes of ruling legislatures, bent on denying such rights, get an ID and are driven to the polls by the parties "ground game" experts. The onus has been on them and I hope they did just that, because if you listen to the polls and the fire predictions for next Tuesday, you would think that all is lost. The GOP and Mitt Romney in particular, and all the Dick Morris and Karl Rove types were dead certain that Romney would win the Presidency by 4 to 7 % points in 2012. Ah, the ground game. And wasn't the result sweet on November 5th and beyond when Rove had to 'splain to his donors why they flushed millions of dollars down the commode when he promised them it would be money well spent. I shed not a tear. That same little turdblossom was on Fix News today confidently ginning up his low info base already announcing the results of early voting in, shall we say, "key" states. Of course it is overwhelmingly Republican.
It's different this year. I posted all the reasons (including the ones I made up) that everything that goes on in the world, is Barack Obama's fault. Nonetheless, it just feels like the haters have prevailed and there is so much anger that people are angry and not very careful about whom they take their anger out against. Well, except the skinny Kenyan Commie Community Activist and his cheeky wife who tells our kids what they should and shouldn't eat. Damned Marxist, Socialists, taking our guns away. taxing the rich so that the poor can get more free stuff. Hobnobbing with Fat Governors from Hurricane stricken states. Damned Golf obsessed, imperial "dear leader" who keeps his shmeckle in his pants and tries to end wars that have gone on too long. How long? If you had a kid back when and he's studying for his bar mitzvah today, a war was started on the day he was born and still isn't over. That's how fucking long!
This is my last appeal. Please vote. Just not for Eliot Cutler up in the great State 'O Maine.
Just kidding Eliot. Of the very small percentage of people who read my ravings, you sort of know how you line up on issues. Don't Vote for them. Vote for You. You're the best reason not to stay home or sit this one out. It's really important.
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