I posted this on Facebook, but since my accounts are probably not linked correctly, (I never said I was smart), I'll post here too. If you somehow already read it, aw shit, read it again. It's 3 minutes out of your day.
I was doing some simple math. And lamenting about the very existence of people who get too much media coverage for dubious purposes. Would that be you, Dick Cheney or John Bolton? ( or fill in the blanks. There are thousands of them). I just need to mention my two sycophant poster children for war, Lindsey Graham and John McCain. There's still plenty more.
9//11/12- Four men were killed in coordinated attacks upon the US consulate in Benghazi. Christopher Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glenn Doherty. We mourn their deaths. I have no doubt about their willingness to serve their country and the contributions they made in their lives.
3-19-03 Based upon "incontrovertible" evidence developed by our intelligence community, the United States invaded Iraq and its people. The purpose was to liberate the Iraqi people from their evil dictator, Saddam Hussein and to capture "Weapons of Mass Destruction" that he had purportedly used against his own people and would use in the future to destabilize the region.
Some Math**
Total American Dead from initial invasion: 4489- 3/19/03---Present
TAD since the scintillating "Mission Accomplished" event: 4347
TAD dating from the official American "Handover" to the Iraqi government of Nouri al Maliki: 3627
Total Iraqi casualties (Range of Peer studies): 654,000 to 1.2 million.
4489 + 654,496 minus 4=658,981 to possibly 1,204,485
TAD since the inauguration of POTUS 44, Barack Obama: 256.
So now we are witnessing the ill conceived annexation (that is my word for it, The entire process will take a little time) of Crimea and eventually Ukraine by the Russian Federated Republic. Further, we are hearing of the impotence of the President, the "fecklessness" of his foreign policy, the absence of global respect for the United States and the suggestion that we outfit our soldiers for future battles in "mom jeans".
I don't feel like beating the drums of war today. tomorrow isn't looking good either. 65% of the American public agrees with me.
So, today's humstles are: The Beatles, Bungalow Bill and Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young's OHIO.
Just so I'm clear, this is what I think and I use the words of Mark Felt, who also went by the name of Deep Throat. "Follow the Money." Russia is using economic blackmail to keep the European Union silent. After all it isn't about evil European dictators or WMD's, just as I suspect Iraq wasn't either. It was about fossil fuel speculation and the profits that could be gained by the manipulation or control of said fuels to cow other nations into silence.
So after a rousing week at CPAC, we continue to rue that reasons we have an epic and unmistakable divide in our country. It's about the money. So, maybe I should add another song to today's humstle mix: Billie Holliday's God Bless The Child. Because there's no "may have" in today's lack of social or economic equality. And those that "may have" are hoping to beat the drum so that the 'may have nots' will continue to go to war to protect what the "may haves", got. And from this perspective, that's where it's at.
All we can do is vote the "may haves" out, so as I said in the FB post, make it your business to level the playing field by finding and helping to register one person to vote in the 2014 elections. then find 2 for 2016. And I'm making no major distinction as to whether the "may haves" are Whig, Republicans, Know Nothings or Democrats. If you study the wealth of your elected officials, you'll be reminded of the evils of Citizens United v Board Of Elections. And as always, I trust YOU. You'll know what to do.
Oh and don't forget what the Koch Brothers make that you don't want to buy.
See you tomorrow.
** Source: Wikipedia and its publishing of numerous Peer Studies.