Thursday, September 11, 2014

The buy in

The President made a speech last night. It doesn't matter what he said. The very notion that you can kill your way to peace or security is ludicrous. I am a big fan of the HBO series, The Leftovers. If somehow, whether we knew why it happened or not, a great force simply removed evil from the earth, that is something many could buy into.

I could. So, once again, I remind you dear readers of the wolves fighting for survival- and observed by a Cherokee Grandfather and his grandson. The child asks, "who will win?" The elder replies, "The wolf you feed." 

It's 9/11, the 13th year after the downing of the WTC buildings, the beginning of a a great struggle and the beginning of another tribal fight that will probably last until the earth justs says, "Fuck You." and all evil doers are swept from their existence because it's enough already.

Which wolf do you feed today?
Are you buying in?

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Deja Vu- all over again

One of my previous humstles was the Temptations' Ball Of Confusion.

Tomorrow is the 13th anniversary of 9/11. Just about every poll taken shows that currently the Barack Obama is more unpopular that George W. Bush and the new media king of Meet The Press, Chuck Todd compared this unpopularity to that of Jimmy Carter- pretty chilling. And of course, sadder than sad, since David Gregory was bad enough- but now we get to hear the gloom and doom from Chuck Todd, who was as heartless today on MSNBC's Morning Joe as any of the fine people over at that fair and balanced bastion Fox News.

But if you're Steve Wynn, owner of various Las Vegas resorts and facilities, you're just as mad at Obama as the people polled. He's regularly criticized the President for being "terrible for business." His anger has been echoed by notable business gadflies such as Ken Langone of Home Depot and former GE CEO, Jack Welch who if they've ever said anything nice about the guy, obviously I was not in attendance at that moment. Incidentally, even though he still is regularly invited to to come on CNBC or Fox Business to dump on the President for anything from how he hates big business to being soft on existential terror threats, Ken Langone's company is sorta smarting from the news that millions of its credit card holders personal information was hacked and their financial privacy is at great peril. He hasn't done too badly in these 5 years either, since this "terrible" President has done his best to have ruined our country. Obviously, there has been no job growth, Wall Street folks have not done very well at all and here is ISIL, streaming through our southern borders to blow up our citizens in malls, movie theatres and public events.

Terrible for business. At the close of trading on January 20th , 2009, Steve Wynn's Wynn Resorts and Gaming's stock closed at $34.00 per share. It is reported that over the years, Steve Wynn, while running his mouth and running down the President for his anti business policies, acquired nearly 2 million shares of common stock. In today's trading, the Wynn Corporation's stock is hovering at or above a $180.00 per share price.

I think my basic math skills are above average, but I'm not going to try to compute this for you. Please feel free., though and while you're at it, try to figure out that while these men, which include Langone and Wynn's buddy Sheldon Adelson gave hundreds of millions of dollars through Political Action Committees to elect Republican candidates who support their views and companies and regularly vote to cut SNAP benefits, Minimum Wage, Immigration Reform, Gender pay Equality, deny expansion of Medicaid which prevents sick Americans from having to go to Emergency Rooms, repeal of Dodd Frank and the Affordable Care Act. I have to take a breath here. I have left out significant things that they're just not for.

Which brings us a speech tonight about Iraq, Syria, the Middle Eastern neighborhood and why millions of people hate us and want to cut off our heads. It doesn't matter that they've told us time and again why they feel this way. So off we'll merrily go to once again to impose our "American Exceptionalism" on people who are sick of us not leaving them the fuck alone!! While the vile groups spawned by this hatred are indeed, that, even this guy who is not so good at math can calculate that there are many more people like them than there are people like us. So, if by chance they had stated at some point that in addition to terrorizing us, they were going to make sure that we spent not only our blood, but our treasure in trying to carry out what Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson told Sean (Pulitzer Prize) Hannity last week. "Either we're going to have to convert them or kill them." Just in case we run out of money, do you think that Steve Wynn or Ken Langone or Shel Adelson kick in a few extra bucks? Didn't think so

So happy 9/11 tomorrow. God help us, but here we go again. We are giving in terror and we have been frightened enough to spend billions we would better spend on our own poeple, to wipe out billions of others. I think that's code for "degrade and destroy."

13th anniversary. Not a good number. But I hope it comes and goes with the proper solemnity. I used to sign off with a a 'call someone and tell them you love them.'