Everything written herein is Barack Obama's fault.
I can't find a job, so...
I found a job but it wasn't what I wanted, so...
My congressperson is an uninformed liar who ignores my opinions, so...
My kids are addicted to junk food , so...
I voted for a President who would end 13 years of constant war, so...
The media doesn't cover real news; just what they think the public wants, so...
My food stamps benefits were cut, so...
There are too many guns in the hands of unstable people, so...
I'm black and I haven't been lifted up, so...
There are too many meth labs in my county, so...
4 brave people lost their lives in Libya, so...
The Constitution is no longer a relevant document, so...
Congress only works 2/3 of the year (if that), so...
Nobody has taken my guns away from me, but...
There is a resurgance of racism in this country, so...
The Supreme Court is riddled with activist judges, so...
Steve Wynn's company's stock has risen nearly 400% since the 'great recession" so he says...
The United States is a pig at the trough of corporate greed and self interest, so...
Michele Obama supports gardening and exercise, so...
The Democratic Party is riddled with 'commies and socialists', so...
My 401K has increased by 75% in the past 5 years, but...
One of my choices for President in 2016 is a greasy, bully who has lost nearly 100 lbs and that should make me like him, therefore..
The national debt is lower and the deficit has been cut during the past 6 years, but...
My kid's school board President is LGBT, so...
I have healthcare for the first time in my life at an affordable price, but...
In violation of the Constitution, local militias are increasing in frightening proportions and that's because ...
Our political process is a sham, populated mostly by millionaire do-gooders with agendas different from a majority of the country, and...
Babe Ruth wasn't calling his shot in the 1934 World Series. He was shading his eyes form the sun, but...
The election next week should be a referendum on the gridlock and ugly politics rife in this country. therefore.... And I'm not smart enough to realize that that I've likely been frightened and angered by a media, unnamed corporate oligarchs and politicians who lie and face no consequence. But what the hell. It's not my fault...
Our leaders now represent and behave in the manner of the very thing we secretly fear the most-- ourselves.
I will quite likely vote against my own self interests because a television network so artfully lies to me, that I will not even hesitate. And....
I think that's enough for today. Please vote. Everything good and bad gets all fucked up if you don't.
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