Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Out of my cave

What a couple of days. I have reconnected with people I've had no contact with for nearly 50 years. I had resisted social media for a long time and my recent involvement doing this and sorta getting social with old and new friends has been really great.

So today's humstles are:
Cat Stevens- Wild World and Paul Simon's Myth of Fingerprints

I still love this new forum for writing, and connecting.  Real life has also tapped on the window and said, "hey remember me?" So, maybe some posts will be shorter but I hope to clear those things and stretch things out again soon.

Baseball's winter meetings have begun- a rite of winter to remind me that my Cubs still suck. But for a week I can play pretend General Manager and make lots of trades. Of course, that's like whistling in the wilderness because like the tree in the forest, if I make noise, nobody's going to hear me. And to paraphrase Yogi, 'if people don't want to listen to me, well, nobody's going to stop them.'

There is a major musical event coming up and I will try to report about it in real time or after it's over.

Paul Ryan and Patty Murray are close to a budget deal- or so the story goes. Who's going to **ck this one up? 4 more days of the unremarkable 113th Congress. Do NOT get me started. But we're all grateful for Rand Paul going to Detroit and telling them what to do to bring about the 3rd great renaissance for the motor city after it emerges from bankruptcy. Special interest have such a death grip on elected officials, that gridlock is really not much of a mystery. More about that in the next few days as we give some sort of requiem for a body that accomplished so little. Let's hope they understand that cutting people's unemployment is not something voters will forget.

RIP JIM HALL. There is news of his passing this day and I want to pay tribute to a great guitarist. He played with many and really made a mark on me. So many people still alive and kicking with their music at advanced ages. Always sad when one of them leaves the scene.

I know most everybody is getting ready for serious holidaying, so I'll keep this short. There aren't enough hours in the day to do all that we think we can accomplish.

Thanks for visiting. As ever, I am most appreciative.

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