River Rescue, Part 1. I watched Paul Ryan and Patty Murray standing up and announcing compromise yesterday. He's 6' 1", so that makes Senator Murray 3' 9"*. Poor Paul Ryan! He may be headed for another embarrassment most of the damage inflicted by his own party. The budget deal still tilts away from added revenues which may be crucial to a sustained recovery. On the other side, entitlements were left alone so until this deal is read and disseminated, it's hard to see who compromised on what. Both principles represent the well thought of legislative branch of government. You know the one I mean; the one with the approval rating between 9 and 13%. The only clear things to come out of this is to avoid another government shutdown. This is being touted by the punditocracy as being accomplished. So amidst all this happiness and relief, there will come a vote before Congress adjourns for the year. Stay tuned. A successful thumbs up on the deal is currently in doubt, with Presidential hopefuls basically against it. But they voiced their disapproval early in the week and by the time everyone is enjoying holidays, people will have forgotten what it is they said. One of the things that was left out of the bill was an extension of unemployment. It is said that 1.3 million people will be adversely affected by this omission and those who are responsible for that don't want you to remember that either. No immigration reform, no farm bill, little retirement of the effects of the sequester. But we have started to see the dark money warriors beginning another round of "defund and repeal Obamacare ads. Just remember- there's always room for Jell-O.
So as a salute to the people who really run this country, today's humstles are:
Pete Seeger- Little Boxes
Creedence Clearwater Revival- Fortunate One.
Long John Baldry- Everything Stops For Tea.
*Patty, I know you're not 3' 9".
Steve Stockman, R- Texas wants to ask you a question at this festivus time of the year: 'Who, in your foxhole, is bayoneting you in the back?' Did you ever notice that people who blithely use military type terms, have never served? Have you also noticed that Stockman's hero, whom he called a true patriot never served either. You know who I mean- the bowhunting, guitar playing guy who was jailed and executed by his communist government after Barack Obama's re-election? I forget his name, "so I got that going for me. And that's a good thing"
Today is the second day of my "Trade Starlin Castro to any team that needs a shortstop" campaign. It is easy to maintain composure and actually learn to enjoy baseball purgatory, when your team hasn't won a World Series in 105 years. I just don't think I care any more. Especially when my favorite team is owned by Joe Ricketts. Dooooooonnnnnnnn't get me started!!!!
Major props to Warren Haynes, whose annual Christmas Jam is happening this weekend in Asheville, N.C. All performers play pro bono and ALL proceeds go to the Western Carolina Habitat For Humanity. That is one of the greatest works of faith, hope and charity there is; one whose aims were forever advanced by the "worst President in the history of the U.S." Attribution is difficult here because so many have said it in so many different ugly ways. Just a hint: It's a little wild animal with a 3 lettered name.
I no longer flip the bird to people. I have managed a takeoff on Rocky IV, where he can't see and tells Duke Evers and Paulie that he sees 3 Dragos out there. So Pauly says "hit the one in the middle"And Duke, says "yeah, hit the one in the middle. So if someone is giving you a hard time, hold up your ring, bird and index finger and tell whoever's bugging you to.... well, you know. Happy Wednesday. Be well and thanks for readin
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