Thursday, October 23, 2014

My little 9MM

Condolences to Joni Ernst who has brought the level of political discourse in the State of Iowa to a new low. But there's still time for her to 'drop it down a notch'.

I am pretty disappointed with several female Senate Candidates in this cycle. Ernst is clearly one of them. A former hog farmer and military geek doesn't need to point guns at laws and threaten to blow away those laws. Or gut the bloated federal government, who's subsidies she gladly accepted when she was a hog farmer. Because, "by God" she's slaughtered pigs and the government better watch cause Joni is bringing a meat cleaver to Washington. As soon as she cashes Karl Rove and David Koch's checks. 

Sorry ladies, I passionately avoid trying to say sexist things about women candidates since I think it's low-life, but this woman is an embarrassment and has some sort of Napoleon Syndrome going. I don't care for women who want to trade their parts in for those of a man because of political expediency

I have delighted in the election of many capable women who now serve in the Congress. What I don't like is when they bow to political pressure and try to run a safe campaign or just say little to nothing, certain in the knowledge that the very next day, their opponent will will say something stupid and save them the work of actually staking out policy initiatives instead of reverting to beltway talking points. 

Others on my shit list- (even though I would hold my nose and vote for them because their opponents are so much worse): and what has put them on the list ranges from expediency to gutlessness to vanilla tapioca. Unless they happen to be rethuglicans, simply because of that and what their party's platforms and commentaries and allies stand for. Democrats are a far distance below the ignorance of the GOP but still, not to be trusted. I'm not a low info Fox News voter who has special hearing for lies and dog whistles.

Or simply because they ran shitty campaigns.

Alison Lundergan Grimes Stand up to Coal and support your President
Jeanne Shaheen Who'd YOU vote for?
Terri Lynn Land You're a rethuglican and you're a tea party darling and you are out of your league
Kay Hagan  Thom Tillis is such a disaster, your race shouldn't even be very close. But you've tried to be all things to win and I really don't care for that. But you've been agressive in pointing out what a douche Tillis is so I give you a pass. And when I move to NC within 3 to 4 years, I hope you'll be  one of my Senators.

That'll do it for today. I have a busy several days coming up and might not post during that period of time. 



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