Wednesday, January 8, 2014

What would (-----------------) do?

First, I jumped the gun a little yesterday. I said the Senate had voted to reinstate extended unemployment benefits for another 90 days. Not true. Bad reportage- me. They voted to bring it to a vote, which may happen this week, depending on whether Harry Reid thinks he has 60 votes to actually approve it.

Marco Rubio will give a speech today that says the war on poverty failed. All the money spent to improve the lives of less advantaged Americans was a waste and is further proof that future election cycles will include the US v THEM theory- Takers/Makers, Self Reliant/Moochers. Stay tuned. It's a slippery slope for a principled peeps to walk- calling vast amounts of people lazy while hoping a small percentage of those people will help reelect them.

Here is a sad estimate. Funding the Iraq/Afghanistan conflicts cost the nation nearly $2.2 Trillion and those costs continue to be budgeted and justified by those who still feel we can win those conflicts. We have a curious memoir, of sorts by the former Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates who is highly critical of his boss's behavior during his tenure as Secretary. He doesn't pull too many punches and so we'll try to enjoy the limelight he basks in as he traipses around the country asking you to buy his book. I'm not going to buy his book. That's what celebrity status and moneymaking is in the this country now. You write a book, you go the talk shows. a bunch of ass clowns debate your theories and you either use your celebrity status to run for higher office or you live the good life you never did while serving your country, because to do so is working for low wages. And even if you do, half the country thinks you're stealing or corrupt or bloated or a drain on THEIR American dream.

In the meantime, hundreds of thousands of young people volunteered to put on a uniform to defend what they think this country stands for. Many of them did not return. Even more did return, but they and their families have not been made whole by the results of their bravery and service. See paragraph one: many of these people and their families live at or below the poverty line and cannot find jobs. Their lives are a mess and all we are asking is that the legislative branches of government stop weaseling about the money we wasted in trying to lift them up out of this terrible station that their life train broke down in. And who is making the decisions about extending some modicvum of help and relief this week? Legislative bodies that are dominated by out of touch wealthy people who made enough money to think that they could come to Washington to pretend to make poicy for people whose lives are so different than theirs. It's enough to make you want to puke!! Check out pensions. You'll puke, alright.

When we go on the internet, the content we want to read or see is punctuated by "banners" of self interest advertisements: Impeach Obama? Click Here. Tired of the effects of Citizens United? Sign the pledge. Money, money, money.

See paragraph one: The money that one side will demand as an offset for is the same amount of money that Energy Companies receive in "Manufacturing Tax Deductions" The source I use in the claim of this amount is policy. I put that in bright green and I hope you can see it when you read it. If not- policy. The subtitle is that we can save $78 billion dollars by ending oil/gas subsidies. It's from a report dated July 29, 2011. It would appear that the very same people who can't see the plights of real people are not saving your tax dollars. They are using internal gimmicks to spend your tax dollars. Does that piss you off? And for today I'm not even going to draw make any comments on the 2.2 trillion dollars for wars we didn't want. 

Does that piss you off? It does me. This is not a post where anything funny would fit. Maybe tomorrow. 

Read this every 4 hours as needed and call me in the morning.

What would (-----) do? The (-----) is you.

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