Saturday, January 11, 2014

I Predict

In Chicago today, 78 trillion dollars was spent by people who had terrible bad cabin fever all week. They didn't need anything, they just went crazy- everywhere I went. Because I did too. At one point, I said to my wife, "you gotta take me home now." We're cooking curried chicken tonight. Not forgetting the Fenugreek.

Seahawks 38- Saints- 33

Colts 29- Patriots 27

I don't care about the points or the over/under.

First night of Banshee:  A little slow in order to clean up all the mess of last year. Great backward driving scene with Ivana Milicevic at the wheel. Zeljko Ivanek, quirky and superb as always. Remember him in Damages and a hundred other things? And as for Odette Annable? Your table is soooooo ready. I hope you won't mind to find me sitting at it when you arrive. NOLA doesn't only stand for New Orleans, LA.

I put on Out of Town by the Yellowjackets this morning and cranked it way up.

Rare Saturday post. See how my football predictions go.

Have fun. We will.

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