I regularly communicate with the honorable John Boehner, speaker of the House of Representatives. I also exchange niceties with Eric Cantor, the Majority Leader of the same body. Them fellers and I don't agree on very much- they're millionaires and I'm not. They still subscribe to trickle down economics and I don't. They want to shrink the size of government and I do as well. But they consistently vote to defund the needy and I'm not down with that. There are many other reasons to tell them they're full of shit, so I try to tell them every day- Nicely, of course.
Every day, I boycott Georgia Pacific Consumer products such as Dixie brand paper plates and Brawny paper towels. I have no influence over the behavior of Charles and David Koch. I can't call them up and ask them why they behave the way they do. My only recourse is to deny them the resources they would routinely receive, in part from me. I hope you will take some time to read about these men, and many others who have been very busy subverting the very tenets of our society that we think we hold dear. See where their (bordering on) evil reach goes and perhaps you will join me in denying them the very thing that funds their behavior. Stepping down from soapbox now.
The ASU Sun Devils chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon held a mock Martin Luther King celebration earlier this week. Only 80,483 people have witnessed our future leaders' behavior in action. Just click on You Tube and give it a visit. Wonder what the water cooler chatter is at the companies their parents work at? Better yet, could this be included as a tangible part of their children's resumes?
All of the above people's behavior is learned, taught or inherited. Yet, these very people utilize these advantages to--- wait---- I want to use a word I saw the Speaker of the House use in a tweet yesterday---- PROMULGATE exclusionary policies that are strangely friendly to a very small group of people.
So today's humstle is a tribute to Billie Holliday and Charles Herzog- God Bless The Child.
Until tomorrow. Stay Classy. You too #25.
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