Saturday, January 25, 2014


So sayeth Ann Coulter in an interview with the New York Observer in 2007. Essentially the main feature that was re-published by Media Matters and bouncing along the Twitter and Facebook world is her comment: If women weren't allowed to vote, we'd never have to worry about electing another Democratic President."

Disingenuous to publish archived rantings from a very imbalanced person. But, there it was, she DID say it and millions of people have their "hating on Ann Coulter" hats on today. I don't like the re-parsing of idiotic comments by anybody. Heaven knows the right wing dredges up all it can find and does the same whup up to their base.

I can tell that the weather is really starting to break people down. Because of the snow drifts, parking lots of public places are not parker friendly. It's below zero, it has been and will be for a while longer and that eventually wears on people's coping mechanisms.

I parked legally and because the snow has negated many other parking spaces, An OWG pulled up and parked his Yukon behind ME, parking me in. I was leaving- he clearly saw that and still thought he could get away with his maneuver. As I passed him, on the way to my car, I simply said, "I'm leaving now. You can have my space." Big sourpuss faces- about 12 of them, gets all red faced, still can't conceive that  he will get a legal space if he pulls out and waits 30 seconds. He "harrumphs" and gives me the death stare. I say, "you can make all the faces you want. I'm parked legally and you ain't." Gives me the finger and pulls out and parks 50 feet further from the Starbucks than he wanted to walk. Wind is howling, it's fucking cold. I get that.Keep your finger in your pocket. Caffeine clearly isn't going to calm YOU down.

He must have read the Coulter interview and agreed wholeheartedly that if only women were denied the vote, this country wouldn't have elected Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton and 9/11 never would have happened. Bye Bye Ann. CeeUNextThursday. So what else can we give away to soccer Moms to get them to vote for the evil empires.

We're going to brave whatever weather we face tonight and we're going to park legally and go see Pittsburgh's beloved Rusted Root. Also on the bill is one of our favorite dance bands, Donna The Buffalo. I too am on old white guy, but I'm young at heart and I feel like dancing and smiling. So, fuck it. That's my plan.

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