Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Almost Famous

All this shit is new to me. I have spent several years eschewing the social media. As I watched friends of mine make bacon and eggs and photograph and post them, I thought to myself, huh ? Why would I do this? It became like the Peggy Lee song, Is That All There Is? No that is not today's humstle.

So, I joined Linkedin because I am a professional business person, joined Facebook, because I had 500 regular friends who posted every 12 minutes or so. And I joined Twitter because I talk too damned much and needed to condense my thoughts into 140 characters or less. And I started this blog because I don't need to photograph my recipes. there was an awful lot of basic stuff I knew nothing about and probably still don't.

I'm already immersed in the all of the aspects that make belonging to these entities viable, so I figured I would have stuff to say. When I talk to friends in person or on the phone, they seem to laugh at things I say or shake their heads and go hmmm, 'that was interesting- have you ever thought of joining' yadda yadda and so forth. So I did. And to my surprise, it's been fun. In addition to my real life, I get a little taste of a virtual life, still try my shit out on a much larger group of people and it's still a thrill if something I've said gets favorited or retweeted. I guess that's an example of having proven one can pitch in the major leagues.

So yesterday, I'm cruising through the people I follow and there was NBC's Chuck Todd. I watch the Daily Rundown on MSNBC most mornings  and  I like Todd. Chuck was commenting on the indictments of Virginia Governor and Mrs. Bob McDonnell and was "stunned" that Governor Ultrasound thought he could get away with some of the things for which he was being indicted. I tweeted back that 'nobody should be stunned about anything that happens in politics, especially someone who reports on the utter bullshit that politics is'-- and to my shock, got a return tweet from Todd. He said he always holds out hope that bullshit wasn't the norm and that he thought 90% of politicians, left and right were honest. I guess he should know. He does this for a living. I do know that the Twittersphere doesn't think that at all. And I think they let him know that. Not a notable event, for sure, but for a change, I was in the photobomb version of a tweet, with a guy who has a following of nearly half a million people. Or was it a notable event? Yeah it was. For me at least.

The great thing was that my phone, I Pad and accounts went fucking berserk, with retweets and favoriting and "you were mentioned". Now I've only been doing this since November. True. From a dead ass nothing to now and I have a small following that reads my blog (thank you) and a growing number of people who react to some of the crazy shit I say and are starting to----do I dare say this? --- take some notice. Anyway, my comment reached nearly 100,000 people yesterday. I'm not an older and male version of Penny Lane and Chuck Todd isn't the TV political pundit's version of the Band Stillwater. Also, I know that when Katy Perry farts she gets 250 million hits. 

But let me enjoy my "almost famous" moment and hope there's more. What['s the worst thing you can say? That I'm self absorbed? Everybody gets that chance once in a while.

But I thought I would share that because some days, I think I write great stuff and  on others, perhaps some hot salty garbage. Everybody can use a positive affirmation

Thanks Chuck!

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