Friday, January 24, 2014

Le stupide du jour

It's French Friday and we pay tribute to stupid shit people said yesterday.
Ah, it's a rich landscape of  'uh, what I meant to say was....'. So let's start with:

1. Susan Atanus a potential challenger in Illinois 9th Congressional District who feels that God is angry with the United States and has sent scourges like autism and dementia to punish the American people (Source- Chicago Daily Herald). Was she channeling Pat Robertson?
2. Mike Huckabee, speaking to the Republican National Committee's winter meeting, decided to weigh in on the "war on women" debate. When your own brethren comments on your comments are,
"I wouldn't have said it that way." or "I would have talked about the economy." you might think you didn't have a good day at the lectern. So when you see the words libido or Uncle Sugar at least you'll have some context. Was it stupide? Is "Huck" running for President? (source: any news show you watched yesterday.)
3. John Boehner, my "guy" spoke candidly on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno yesterday: "I like to play golf, I like to cut my own grass. I do drink red wine. I smoke cigarettes. And I'm not giving that up to be president of the United States." In defining his multilateral role as Speaker, he allowed that to get consensus with his caucus, "with some of them, I have to be Gestapo." WWMD?** (source Politico)

I also am a frequent flier on the Dumb Things Democrats Say  website. I just think Republicans are better at it and they are like One A Day vitamins. You can count on them to say something sketchy just about every day. So, Charlie Rangel, when you're not getting adversely involved with property tax irregularities on your vacation home(s), you're referring to the Tea Party as a newer version of Jim Crow "white crackers." By the way, you're a hack whose time has long passed and you should either step down or certainly, not run for reelection.

Fair and Balanced? No, but like the man says, "don't hate the player, hate the game." But since calling for the President of the United States to be lynched, Joshua Black, a Florida political hopeful needed to get a visit from the Secret Service.

I am humming Earth Wind and Fire's Sing A Song. I played electric piano on that song in 1976.

Seriously? You believed that?

**What would Heinrich Mueller do?

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