The title is a reference to David Lindley and his one time band, El Rayo X. They were fun. Lindley's played with thousands of people over the years- perhaps best known was his stint with Jackson Browne. His songs make me smile.
So for today's hum/whistle (should I change it to whum or humstle?) please give a listen to Tiki Torches At Twilight, or Quarter Of A Man. And think of David Lindley.
Sitting, having coffee this morning and I was reminded of Billy Joel's mortal fear- that he would be remembered as having made some great elevator music.The month of December is rife with songs that we hear in stores and coffee shops and then immediately tune out. One of my favorite things is making endless musical mixes and sharing them with people. Most of them look at me like I'm DIY's Josh Temple. He hosts a show called House Crash and he runs around home improvement stores looking for people that will take him home and let him renovate a room in their house. But a lot of people want no part of this. I like Josh. He is a little amped, but that's his character ( A Little Amped????) I may approach you and ask you if you want some music. I haven't resorted to tossing them into unlocked cars, but as William Shakespeare said in Twelfth Night, "If music be the food of Life, play on." I will.
Thank you. I'm glad you asked. My eyesight is back to normal today after watching a little of the battle of Oregon last night; Ducks and Beavers. Chartreuse vs Major Honker Orange. If only they could have played at Boise State's Smurfstadium. I'd still be blind.
I'm a big hockey fan. But I really don't care for shootouts. Last night was different, though. Chicago and Dallas went 11 deep before the Hawks, Ben Smith went high glove on +Kari Lehtonen. +Corey Crawford kicked out 10 and the Hawks prevailed.
Profound sympathies to those who lost their lives in Glasgow last night. There are things that happen that cannot be explained.
New poll out. AP-GFK reports that there is a continuing and alarming lack of personal trust in one's fellow people. Trust in institutions, government, church etc. has been abysmal but those leaders have developed thick skin that tends to preclude them from giving a shit what we think. That's awful and that shows. But this 'personal' side of trust drain involves thinking a clerk might memorize your credit card and ruin you- or someone you meet while traveling isn't wishing you well. I work hard to be as good a cook as I can be. With the number of shows on TV that depict a depiction of reality in restaurants, I really don't want to go out as much as I used to.
Having said that, this is the third day in a row that I am posting the praises of +Pope Francis . He is critical of among other things, trickle down economics. Life has changed, inexorably and sadly. I feel it and I suspect you do too. I know some blithe souls who always seem happy and positive. But there is a palpable inequality between people and it really puts a strain on trust and well being. It's world wide. This is my country and this is where I live and see things. But through social media, its possible to see this trend in macro and it's distressing- and world wide. Not everyone wants to just 'hug one out.' So, I'm lamenting trickle down mistrust. Thanks to +Connie Cass for writing about the poll and to +Jennifer Agiesta and +Dennis Junius for disseminating things we already can feel and sense as we go about our lives.
+Arlo Guthrie and +Pete Seeger, two of America's great surviving and traveling troubadors are together for a show in New York City tonight. Wish I could be there.
What I try to do each day is to scat about things that alter the thought process. Whether it be a song that flies in your head and won't leave, or a jab at a entertainment or sports personality who thinks they are the center of the universe, I'm not trying to be ugly or too controversial. I do notice on days when I write about politics and policy, visits to my blog triple. How did you know what I was was going to say? I didn't. I'm going to keep talking about some of these things because the mistrust, with all its manifestations is like congestive heart failure. The bile just builds up and people are real and unintended consequences. Like you're walking down the street and as part of a ritual, somebody comes up beside or behind you and knocks you out with one punch. I won't get into the social or racial aspects of this "game??" I will say it's fucking stupid. And I wish that people wouldn't play it. People have died. For what? This?
Asking people to love each other is nice, but it's also pointless, to a degree. What's going on in your life that makes you feel the way you do? Good and Bad. Just think about it and try to be nice to someone today. Then start a streak. Outdo +Cal Ripken. I sometimes say this on conservative blogging sites and I am usually told to kiss a unicorn or hug a tree. And Waaaaay worse. I don't retort, but I'm thinking, fuck you asshole.
Small business Saturday. Do your best. That's one of the ways we can encourage owners to do the ultimate act of kindness- increase their bottom line so they can give their employees health insurance coverage. Poll after poll states clearly that worrying about one's health is the number one concern of Americans.
See you soon.
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