Lots of headlines about car crashes, train crashes, untimely deaths, website improvement, poor coaching decisions- lots of those- but I have a couple of good stories that will never make headlines.
On Sunday, my wife and I cleaned, rearranged and restored feng shui* and order to our laundry room. It had become close to intolerable. Most of us get very busy with life and just don't notice clutter and disorder. That is stage one. Denial is stage two. A sense that it will never get done (mild despair) is #3. The will to clean it is stage 4 and the result?? I have to walk through the room to get to the garage ( I could count on one hand, the number of times I ever parked IN a garage until I was 57 years old. I had a garage before that, but it looked like my laundry room- so maybe 5 times. That speaks volumes about global warming and the lack of killer snowfalls, when you want a functional garage). {But I digress}.
So what was I asking?/ The result was that as I walked through this morning, I felt a lightness, a smile appeared on my face. And I felt a great sense of accomplishment. Little things. They matter.
Then I encountered a gentleman wearing a very clean and it appeared, rarely worn New York Knights jacket. I was getting out of my car and he was returning to his. I'm a pretty big fan of The Natural and so I decided to work him. My favorite character was Pop Fischer. He was played (superbly) by Wilford Brimley. Anyway, the guy is getting in his car, he sees me and he senses something is coming. So I say, "all these years and you never played organized ball?" And he answers, "well I sorta got sidetracked." I was going to ask him about "Wonderboy" but I thought it had been a successful moment and I decided to know when to fold em. So, I said in closing, "if the bat comes up to specs, we'll let you use it." Two smiles before 10:00 o'clock. I'll take that any day.
So, I had some words of encouragement to people who think I might be a tree hugger, that I shared with everyone in Saturday's post. At first I felt badly about it, but then I remembered that some people are all ugly all the time and rarely have anything nice to say to anyone. Pretty soon, if I can figure out how, I'm going to ask for people to send me feedback. I am told that over 800 visits in a month (all organic) is pretty good. But it's for certain that not all people who read my stuff are big fans and I have to start encouraging them to comment. Some of it may be ugly, but if you're going to write and comment and whatever else this entails, you have to expect that. So if *Feng Shui falls into your category of being negative, the Saturday message remains the same.
I am told we're not shopping enough. I am also told that the very things that created the housing bubble in the middle of the last decade are still alive and trying to be well. You can tell something is up, because interest rates are still very low, but a better barometer is that HGTV (A Scripps Network Interactive Company) has more house flipping shows on that channel. Buyers and Sellers beware. As for people spending less, may I "quote" (and recommend) an article from Mother Jones? It's The Austerity Stupid. Well written and very topical, Kevin Drum!
Todays Humstle is:
Yes- Roundabout
I used to drive from the midwest to the east coast during holidays and maybe I heard that song at least 10 times a night between the hours of midnight and dawn. We didn't sleep then. How did we do that? Oh, I remember. Another of that era that played all night was:
Maria Muldaur- Midnight at the Oasis. If you remember her, she and her husband, Geoff were part of the folk, jugband, sort of quirky music in the early 70's. Becuase it's easy to do and you don't necessarily have to buy it, give a listen to Waitress in a Donut Shop. She's a hoot. Anybody who played with John Sebastian is OK in my book. One of these days, I'll enter the 80's and 90's as far as music goes.
Last season of Treme on HBO. It's worth it to watch. And remember that 'Brownie was doing a heckuva job.'
Anyway, this day has started well. I hope yours has too and continues that way.
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