Monday, November 25, 2013

Hey Iran! Come to Philadelphia

Don't worry, I'm not making Terducken this week.

Remember This?  Let me give props to a website called America 1979. I remember an awful lot of these bumper stickers

OK, so maybe the world is not telling America its table is ready. Maybe they're asking if we still want a table. Do we?

I'm thinking Philadelphia is a metaphor for policy acceptance.

I forget who it was, but they once referred to Philadelphia sports fans thus. "They'd boo a cure for cancer." So, 85% of Americans approve of the initial U.S./Iranian agreement over the weekend. But once the dumbpundits (If Merriman Webster can add new words every year, maybe they'll like this one) got their hands on the story, one would think the number was the opposite.

It's almost like Healthcare, Immigration, Economic Equality. We try to do things with the best of intentions, rarely succeeding to nearly anyone's satisfaction. So, as we examine the verities (or otherwise) of the weekend's events, let's try to focus on a really important question.

What happened to defense in the NFL?

We saw Bombino, the band founded by Omara Moctar on Saturday night. He is a guitarist, born in Niger who fled during the uprisings in 1990. His music reflects the travails of the Toureg culture and people. His family fled to Algeria and he was a devotee of Jimi Hendrix among others. The band plays acoustic and electric. My initial reaction was that it was powerful. I liked the acoustic very much. When he picked up the electric guitar, it was different. The vocals, in the Taureg language are difficult to discern and get a little drowned out by the rise in decibels Their current record, Nomad  is worth a listen. The band like many once obscure acts came to the attention of American musicians with some juice and influence; in this case Dan Auerbach of The Black Keys.

Hums and Whistles:
Jethro Tull- The Whistler
Cat Stevens- Peace Train
Big Joe Turner- Big Legs
Alvin Lee- Let's Boogie

The Griffins, as well as all devotees of Family Guy mourn the loss of Brian. Wouldn't it be great that anybody who is dying could have that moment with their family to thank them and to tell they love them.

Margot Bingham AKA "Daughter Maitland" in Boardwalk Empire? You sing very sweetly. Your table is ready. Your song ending season 4 at the juke was something else. Not a bad Ship of Zion either.

On that beautiful note, I take my leave for today. But I'll be back.

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