Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Amidst it all- GIVE THANKS

On the Day Before Thanksgiving:

Turn inward and breathe. Understand and embrace what you can control and what you cannot. After all, there's an awful lot that we cannot. Not easy.

There is the intersection of Chanukah and Thanksgiving. First night is tomorrow. Weird. How did central casting get those two together?

Congratulations to the most sober city in the U.S.  Salt Lake City
And the winner of the drunkest city in the U.S. Bakersfield

Useless information is my life.

Without any IAEA inspectors allowed in Iran, how do we know how many centrifuges they have?

I am still amazed at Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation that was released yesterday. I usually give popes a lot of room to operate, but the document which was 223 pages was pure balls. Love ya Paco.
We will discuss this in more detail after the holidays.

Have you noticed that despite reports of significant absence of traffic in the past few months, yesterday was a day when your trip took twice as long as it usually does?

So today's hum and whistle is the Perry Como version of It's The Most Wonderful Time Of the Year.

I didn't post yesterday. First time in three weeks. Apparently nobody missed me.

125 days until Opening Day. Remember what Yogi said: If people don't want to come out and watch baseball, nobody's gonna stop em'.

Remember, your crazy uncle who lives in the basement and wants to marry Gretchen Carlson from Fox News? Invite him upstairs tomorrow and tell him you love him.

Seriously?? Pray for Peace and Civility.

See you soon.

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