Thursday, June 19, 2014

More Signs

Perhaps you've also seen this: a person walking a baby carriage, head tilted and resting on one shoulder or another- talking on a cell phone. When you see it once a day, it doesn't register. But in a short drive this morning, I saw 8 people, all sorts of ages, colors demographics 

Chelsea Clinton is under fire for not being on the air for 4 months, yet is collecting a $600,000.00 salary from NBC. 99% of the comments I read are negative and hateful. I guess that's why Occupy is more prescient than we thought- just too disorganized. Just remember bitchers, SCOTUS only works 8 months a year. And they're not even pregnant;

What could be accomplished if a problem or condition was scrutinized as much as the Washington Redskins are? This is the two faced country we are. Eliminating trademarks and patents adds up to a shitload of lost revenue. I'm just glad Lois Lerner had nothing to do with it.

Lady Gaga is all over twitter today. Maybe she has been and I didn't notice. The dominant hashtag is #artflop. Never could replace Madge as the new Madge. So her status is now what I just described: "has been." We're a country of second chances, though.

A football fan has said that Spain may be eliminated from the World Cup but they will never be forgotten. I tweeted them to say. 'Maybe, but you ain't remembered if you ain't playin'. 

Best photobomb of the day: Dick and Liz Cheney with the caption, Brokedick Mouthin'. I liked it. I don't like Dick Cheney. If he were a left wing ex-VP criticizing Bush 43's handling of Iraq, the RW would be calling for him to be tried for treason. 

Tomorrow is the day that the Chicago Cubs will begin a torrid stretch of baseball that will never be forgotten. You heard it right here. You will now follow the Cubs through me on a daily basis, so that you can live the dream we are about to witness as well.

How come when I feed my dog as if she was a queen, she still secretly eats the felt guards that you put on the bottom of the legs of the sofa-- and yacks it up all over the house. Apparently she doesn't want more fiber in her diet.

Ted Cruz has a video linking modern democrats to Farenheit 451. I think he missed his calling. He's no Ray Bradbury and he's certainly no Dr. Seuss. But, what is he?

Why has Larry Storch popped into my head? Yikes!


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