Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Hubris battle

In simple terms, the word "hubris" is defined as arrogance or haughtiness. Now I'm going to write about Republicans and Democrats, right? No? Right and Left Wingers? Hamilton vs Burr? The list  goes on, but for the sake of simplicity, let's pick a subject that has wider appeal. Garvin vs Huber- Bengals/Steelers, AFC North clash of the titans. Prestige, money and playoff implications on the line. 
You get it. 

It was a prime moment of hubris from the hit itself to the pantheon of social media, the print and sports network journalists. Went "viral". It wasn't as hot as a wardrobe malfunction. There was no bar fight or subsequent shootings (yet). But many people are talking about it, offering their opinions. Somebody will end up being blamed for hubris. And across political, social and entertainment lines those interested will have an opinion.

So I really got to thinking that just about everything we get exposed to in a typical (is there such a thing?) day, that word comes up. It's a real test, this hubris thing. If your kid comes home in tears and says he was bullied at school, as a parent, what's your reaction? If your government spies on you in the name if some greater good,, what do you think? If your President takes our country to war over a claim of WMD, you think, is that the ultimate example of the hubris thing?The list goes on and on. There are too many examples, and my posts get a bit wordy. So, think about any subject and inject your side and the other side. And think about that. You don't have to be Voltaire, or Emmett Kelly or Bill O'Reilly. 

No pontificating here. We're at the top of the food chain because we're equipped with the capacity to slow things down and think them through. Believe what you believe. T's a crazy looking word.  But it packs a wallop.

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