In your life, into how many public bathrooms have you left a deposit?**
Are dogs that can't stay off your bed **ck blockers?
Did the Cubs trade Starlin Castro yet?
It has been reported that the State of Colorado has discovered almost "double" the amount of Endocrine Disrupting Checmicals (EDC's) at fracking sites. They just don't get it. In Pennsylvania, officials usually ignore these results and explain any potentially harmful site discovered chemicals are the result of "faulty testing."
A moment, please: Glands that secrete life sustaining fluids to the bloodstream that directly affect nearly every function of the human body. But as our good friend Frank Drebin said, " but that's not important right now.."
Why are we naming winter storms?
The Transparency Train: Darrell Issa, member of Congress from California's 49th district is conducting nationwide hearings, whereby he is humbly asking for anyone who wants to come in and report their experiences with the ACA. (I won't call it Obamacare). There's just one problem. In reviewing the transcripts of these "hearings" I do not see people giving testimony that they have signed up and are happy with the fact that they are covered for the first time in their lives. Uh Oh.!! The dog ate my homework- when he wasn't on the bed being a **ck blocker."
Speaking of the Affordable Care Act, a sizable amount of legislators from a certain political party have launched a nationwide campaign to remind folks that after their party wins a majority in the Senate in the 2014 midterm elections, it is full speed ahead for defunding and repeal of the ACA.
In other ACA news, former Pennsylvania Senator, Rick Santorum said this: " If we have a system where the government is going to be the principle provider of healthcare for the country then we're done. Because then you're dependent on the government for your life and your health.
A moment please: Where does it state in this law that the government accrues any financial benefit from this law's implementation? Doesn't the law provide that the potential beneficiaries are the private healthcare providers? Is the Government collecting the premiums for whomever signs up?
Just saying.
Please call me when Dez Bryant stops crying. 'Mamas, don't let your Cowboys grow up to be babies.'
Today's humstle:
Nick Lowe- I knew the Bride When She Used to Rock and Roll.
Still knocked out remembering John Scofield's Uber Jam this past weekend. I used to listen to him in the 80's and 90's. It's great when music slaps you in the head and says, "How about that??"
Until tomorrow, do me two favors, don't name any winter storms and call me if the Cubs trade Starlin Castro. You can reverse the charges.
** possibly tens of thousands. Kid you not.
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