Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hail Hail Vibraphone



Hail Hail Vibraphone

We saw an old friend perform last Friday night. Musical great,  Gary Burton was in the Chicago area for what he termed, a stop on his “70th birthday tour.”
Burton, a long time master on the “vibes” has a career spanning over 50 years. In that time he has played with (I think) thousands of incredible musicians in varying venues and genres. Seeing Burton, in my humble opinion  is viewing a legend. His latest “record” (I love musicians who still call new projects making a record) is entitled Guided Tour on Mack Avenue Records. The former alumni and Dean of Boston’s Berklee School of Music plays with Drummer Antonio Sanchez, Bassist, Scott Colley and 10 year veteran guitarist (though only the tender age of 25) Julian Lage in his latest lineup, The New Gary Burton Quartet.
It’s a rare pleasure to sit at a table and watch great music being made by what appears to be the disparate talents of four men. But great bandleaders have a way of distilling these elements into a tightly rehearsed and singular group identity. So it is with the NGBQ. Included in the set were generous bites from Guided Tour, but a great homage to a a fellow legend Keith Jarrett who Burton recorded the timeless Our Own Quiet Place, circa 1970.
These days I challenge my stamina, standing for 3 hours for Jam Shows and various Festivi. This was a thoroughly enjoyable evening of cerebral “longhair” music.  With another great, Herbie Hanccock in Chicago this weekend coming the viewers who love these great musicians and their work are blessed indeed.
My thanks to Burton. I probably own 20 of his more than 50 recordings and this was a great nostalgic night for me. Hope you investigate a little for yourselves. Turn down the lights, fall into your easy chair and hear for yourselves.

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