Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A couple of things

Is it me or do half the St. Louis Cardinals look like they should be on Duck Dynasty?

In a previous life, I was going to start a music blog and name it "hum job." You know, for no apparent reason, a song flies into your head and you can't make it go away. At least for awhile.

I'll give you the lyrics that started today's  HJ and see if you remember the song.
And he stirs his tea with councilors while discussing foreign trade.

On a scale of 1-10, how much civility do you witness on a daily basis?
Will you miss newspapers when they're gone?
Have you read the Federalist Papers?
How weird is it that Europe had it's Hurricane Sandy in the same time frame as last year?
What is the significance of the Cleveland Spiders?
Who does the best version of Orange Blossom Special?
What band have you been "jonesing" for?

See you tomorrow. Have a civil day.

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