Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Beef on week headed to summer jam
Eating a beef on wick .. heading to a great obscure 3 day concert scene.

It is a distinct privilege to share my love of music with you on these pages. Music

is literally a universal aspect of people’s lives. It evokes passion and relevance. I

have been listening and observing virtually all my life. I hope to share the mystery

and joy of it with you.

I have sketched out some areas of formatting for your dining and dancing

pleasure. Some columns may contain a personal story, “where were you (or

I) when…”? “Whatever happened to..?” Music travels mysteriously and when

people can hear music in their heads, that is truly a gift. Accordingly, one of

the subjects will be what we call “Humjobs.” Maybe as part of the ‘whatever

happened to’, will include a “ this morning , for no apparent reason, I thought

about ….” I might invite responses from you (if you wish) by writing a memorable

lyric and see if you can guess who wrote it or performed it. I am older so the time

span will stretch beyond half a century. We’ll all learn something and that’s a

good thing.

In an attempt to understand you better, I hope to entertain, inspire, evoke

memories and generally to gain a special place in your lives. Tell me if I did. Or tell

me I’m lame. Just as I respect, anyone who plays or performs music, that doesn’t

mean I’m a fan of their genre. I’ll try not to judge. We all get way too much of that

on a daily basis.

I’ll try to do all of this in 300 words or less. This should be fun. If you enjoy this

thing, tell the editors. Maybe they’ll let me do it more than once a month. If you

don’t, well that’s the other side of it. I look forward to engaging with you.

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