Friday, June 13, 2014


We are all dismayed over the events in Iraq. Here's why I am:

1.The cost to our soldiers- physical, mental, emotional. Families who will never see their loved ones in the same way again- or at all.
2. The ginning up of lunacy by neocons who never served a fucking day in their lives. You've seen the list. I don't have to put it out there again.
3. The divisions within our own society that war causes; the very notion that because we're one of the leaders of the world, we can decide to physically invade another country on what seems to be a string of lies or at the very least, mistruths. There is a difference.
4. That the people who caused this death and mayhem get libraries built in their honor, go on talk shows and command huge speaking fees to defend their indefensible actions. And never seem to lose sleep over the fact that they beat this drum and continue to do so to this day.
5. Billions of dollars that have never been offset by anything to restore the monies to our national treasury.
6. Enough blame for all of the above to be spread to both political parties.
7. The political naivete that we would build a nation whose religious and cultural schisms go back thousands of years- biblical times- into a democracy??!!
8. That politicians try to score political points to blame their opponents for what did and didn't happen.
9. That we would collaterally affect the lives of millions of others who never asked for us to liberate them. 
10. That we have have cheerleaders and pundits in this country that speak of "American Exceptionalism" like it's a hamburger that we sell to the world to prove how stupid and bad for the natural rhythms of this planet we can be.

And worst of all, we practice the true definition of insanity by continuing to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result.

Fuck it. No quarter given today. We are led by people who don't listen to us. And we ought to throw them the fuck out.

Sorry to be a grump today. But unlike John McCain, I'm angry but I DO know why. I don't flip flop and cluck like a little chicken shit. War sucks and I'm tired of it. If you don't agree with me, that's your right. I sit down to express my feelings and that's what I did today.


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