Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Long time

It's certainly been a while. I'm going to have to ease back into writing. Don't get me wrong, I love doing it, but sometimes, life really gets in the way of what I'd rather be doing- writing for one- so a hearty hello to you all. I missed you.

Today's humstle is Steely Dan's With A Gun.  There seems to be a shooting nearly every day. and people are getting sick of reading and hearing about a systemic problem that our society cannot seem to solve. When it involves angry school children shooting their own, it is even more difficult to fathom. 

Our society is a bit hateful. We don't like each other. We are stirred up against each other and with the tools of social networking and biased media feeding us, nobody should be particularly surprised. So, even though today's death toll is 2 (thank heavens not more-- but two is 2 too many), we will watch as the media unravels the anger that today's shooter had and why. Then there will be the obligatory comments by Wayne LaPierre, in response to the cries of outrage by elected officials who fear his organization and are afraid they won't win an election if the NRA decides their career is over. Then we'll all buy flowers and put them on the curb outside Reynolds High. Then we'll have a candlelight vigil. The President will come out and be consoler in chief. And all this won't change a thing. And we'll bear witness to another shooting very soon. We elect people who don't listen to us.

Tomorrow's humstle  will be Simon and Garfunkel's 59th Street Bridge Song. The song itself is pretty corny, I know but it evokes memories for me when life wasn't as hateful, the work week wasn't as long and our children were encouraged to stand quietly and stare at nothing. Over worked, underpaid, over scheduled, too many lies and the liars that tell those lies and for heaven's sake, too many guns. And I could go on. You get it.

What's it going to take? I really don't know. If I think of something, I'll let you know.
Yikes, how good are the LA Kings?

See you soon.

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