So, the Human League song, I'm Only Human is playing faintly in the background and a guy is up on his ladder with a chainsaw. Apparently neither he nor his neighbor who is washing his car directly beneath this imminent catastrophe is aware that as soon as he cuts through the branch it's going to crash down directly onto his car.
In a different segment of that commercial, a man is standing on top of his car in a retention pond or some body of water after he has apparently gone off the road. In the next view, we see him on the ground with his Liberty Mutual agent, bone dry and she's consoling him and telling him everything will be fine.
Liberty Mutual: Responsibility. What's your policy?
Over the weekend, the heathens of news, MSNBC showed a picture of the Romney family with their 12,763 grandchildren and the newest member of their family, Baby Kieran a black child whom they adopted. Well, I looked at the photo and I thought to myself, 'I ain't goin' there.' I have severe issues with Willard but whom he adopts is none of my business. During the Melissa Harris Perry show, the subject is usually wonky or nerdy regarding the direction of policy or conditions Prof. Perry is concerned with. This photo was pretty stark in that it was a sea of tow headed Caucasian children with BK sitting on Mitt's right knee. Being older, what raced through my mind was a blackfaced Al Jolson, singing his timeless song "Sonny Boy."* And that's all the thought I gave it-- other than Mitt and Ann are still pretty pissed off that they spent a billion dollars to get elected President, yet didn't. And they're not the only ones.
With the slow and tortured rollout of the ACA and the Conservative opinion machine gleefully teaching us the meaning of Schadenfreude, new polls existed that showed that if the election were held today, Governor Romney would be the 45th POTUS. And the tyranny of big government would be shrunk to a size worthy of being drowned in a bathtub (GO, Grover). Attribution, baby. It's what I'm about.
But did they need to apologize?
After a non stop period of time where Phil Robertson was dissected, detected, inspected and elected** King of free speech, evisceration was on the menu for MHP and Dean. Both apologized to Mitt and Ann because although it was a s much fair game as anything else, they felt it may have been in bad taste. Perry just said she was sincerely sorry. Obeidallah apologized to the Romneys but said he'd never apologize to the flamethrowers for electing people that brought such policy to this country and he never would .And he reminded his readers that he is a comedian and sometimes jokes work and sometimes they do not. Fair enough. Story over? Hardly.
I offer attribution (**) to Arlo Guthrie for the words from Alice's Restaurant.
(*) the line from the song is "climb up on my knee, Sonny Boy .
Well, I was good for two days of positive vibes.
So, when we speak of diversity or the lack of it, I find solace in a Buffy St. Marie Song, made famous by a number of folkies in the 60's, The Universal Soldier. Hum along with today's humstle. And let's enjoy a lot of football this weekend. The metaphors of the drums of war never end, do they?
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