Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Then and Now 4

The answer is money. Then power. Or power, then money.

We live in a world where the 7 deadly sins pretty much rule a vast majority of behavior.

Consider that well before we felt the need to turn Iraq into a democracy, we were aware of the geopolitical stakes involved in our need for fossil fuels. The Mideast has this commodity in huge abundance.This is no secret. If you're one of the 4500 some odd families who lost loved ones in this stupid (like all other stupid) war we declared, based upon poor intelligence and shoddy information (aluminum tubes that held cake uranium) ( or try this one; that portable rocket launchers existed in neighborhoods, armed with chemical warheads that could be driven to a launch location and launched with 15 minutes.) Thanks Colin Powell, thanks Dick Cheney, thanks Doug Feith, Paul Wolfowitz and the rest of the gang. But especially, thanks George W. Bush for providing the cute little clubhouse where this puppet show could be perpetrated.

Money and power. Influence and the status quo. Rich get richer and poor people's children die, not for anything noble, but a perpetuation of this awful behavior. 

I knew you knew that, but it still pisses many people off.  

We are now spending money that should be earmarked for so many other worthy things than this. And what is the this? We are bombing and destroying  our own equipment that we gave to A Shia majority and a Shia government that we pushed for so that our companies could continue to reap the benefits of the  "all biness" in Iraq; reportedly a country that represents one of the top 5 reserves in the world. Remember though, it isn't about the oil (that Sec Def Rumsfeld promised would finance the entire war, which would last roughly 6 weeks after we were welcomed as liberators.)

I'm going to stop. According to Rush Limbaugh, I am an unhappy leftist who dwells on these negative lies and I probably will end up killing myself- as Robin Williams did because lefties are so unhappy. After all, angst is what we do best.

The impact of Williams' death is finally hitting home. There is so much else going on, I tried to block it out. Robin Williams gets hours of press (rightly so, although the actual coverage makes me want to puke.) and Lauren Bacall gets a 120 second blurb because of her come on to Humphrey Bogart in To Have And Have Not .

I always loved Robin's dramatic performances much more than his comedic talents. He was truly one of a kind and I will miss him. It shouldn't take his death to alert us to another low info drive by about mental illness and depression.

I am installing a permanent humstle, one portrayed in the first "THEN AND NOW post: Master Jack. "It's a mighty strange world, we live in, Master Jack."

See you.

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