Thursday, July 17, 2014

On second thought

Yes, on second thought I decided not to drag us all through a story of deceit, half or whole untruths, predatory business practices and anything else in that realm. What's the point? Am I  ever going to get made whole by bitching about this horseshit?  No.

But the summer of love goes on. Hamas fires rockets into Israel and Israel retaliates. Another Malaysian Air jetliner goes down in Eastern Ukraine under dubious circumstances. A candidate for Congress attempts to block a bus that he thought was carrying undocumented children en-route to a boys ranch in Oracle Arizona; when in fact is was a YMCA bus carrying children to a day camp outing.

During my travels last week, I saw many good people trying to enjoy what few days off they had. We'd go back to the hotel at night and flip on the TV and watch most of what I just described. 

I have a life. Part of it is to be very aware of the world I live in. That world has all the potential of being a wonderful place. And many times not. Everybody seems mad at somebody about something. It 's heartbreaking to see this anger carried out on a daily basis, but it's just that people are scared; scared of what they think they know, what they really know but mostly scared about the unknown.

I write about these things. I mix in sports, music, social networking, politics and opinion. I call them as I see them. I really need a maven to help me promote my blogs more. But without anything other than an organic following, my thoughts have been parsed by 7500 people in 12 countries since I started shooting my mouth off in November of 2013. 

I love doing it, but today was me calling off the dogs of a story nobody really wants to hear. At least I don't think you do. I didn't want to whet any appetites any more than I did with yesterday's post. The story is too goddamned depressing anyway and our lives have enough drama without adding too much more. There are dramatic stories that need telling and if I get a chance, I will tell them. 

Maybe, together, we can dial down some of the fear that makes us so uncomfortable. 

See you tomorrow. 

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