Wednesday, July 9, 2014

And the hockey gods smiled

It's like We know you're going on a road trip. Let's give you something nice as a sendoff. #88 and #19 got 8 year extensions from the Blackhawks @ $10.5 million each. Lot of money, boys, but for my money, you're both worth it.

As Lindsey Barney prepares to give birth and husband Darwin takes a family leave from the Cubs, to do the good daddy thing, it is Arismendy Alcantara's moment to come up to the show for a couple of games. Good luck to him. Let's hope Barney doesn't become Wally Pipp. There are lots of ML ballclubs who could use his defense. He doesn't have to hit much.

Tribes vs Tribes. No, it isn't an intramural game between Washington and Cleveland. Just this year's death battle between Israel and one of its neighbors. But this is what has occurred in this part of the world for thousands of years. Neither side will stop so I think mediation, cease fires or any outside efforts to quell this will fail. Neither side has rarely "missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity." It's beyond sad. 

Rahm Emanuel is sad too. This is the other side of the gun debate. People are calling for the National Guard to come in and go house to house to seize guns of gang members. If it's guns in downtrodden neighborhoods, call in the Natiuonal Guard. If White bozos in purple and red states continue to pass open carry gun laws in their states- ah what the fuck! Why bring that up?For the foreseeable future that will be a hard thing to change

But change is coming. The utter lack of equality between the races is on it's latter stages. This is going to be a nation of color, sooner than we think. I think I'm at the perfect age. I won't have to see this play out in the future. It will be very grim.

Time to pack the car and head south, to my adopted state of madness, North Carolina.It will be good to get away. And I did promise a change of attitude. Root for me to be successful in doing so.

80 or so days to 2014-15 hockey season.

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