Our system is slowly but unmistakably being hijacked by a well funded minority of people who are desperate to hold onto their status quo. This gives them privilege and isolates them from real people and their very real problems. This movement was born in the 80's during the Reagan administration and is the template that now sees many state legislatures controlled by elements that are not friendly to the poor, women, workers andpensioners and recent SCOTUS rulings have given their agenda plenty of room to run.
The only peaceful way to slow this agenda and to restore more balance in our society is to become educated as to issues that affect you and your loved ones. Your vehicle is the ballot box. If you do not vote, you cede this agenda at its present speed.
Please get educated and more connected. It is difficult and combing through policies that benefit very few of us is just as difficult. That's the price of a greater well being.
Do what you want. But please be mindful of the old saw; If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got.
Vote as if it mattered.It really does.
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