I'll be short today. Friday's post, detailing Sheldon Adelson creating his own primary still is leaving a bad taste in my mouth.
I came upon an article written by Terrence Heath today entitled The Billionaire's Primary for ourfuture.org.. I thought he had plagiarized my own post but actually, he is a better writer than I and distilled the chilling and salient points of why voting in 2014 is so crucial.
I don't know why people pay particular attention to Presidential elections and sit out mid term elections, but it has been very costly.
So, in the wake of the beginning of the 2014 baseball season and all the other stuff that normal people care about, I'll just close for today with my usual wish list:
Boycott products that Charles and David Koch's companies produce and don't gamble at Shel Adelson's casinos. Make sure you're registered to vote and make sure at least one person in your immediate or remote life GETS registered. See you tomorrow.
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