Sunday, March 16, 2014

"Children Of Abraham"

Arlo Guthrie has sung some pretty important songs in his life. Children of Abraham, written by Larry and Claire Lynch is one of them. Just about every person who enjoys music can go to a website where they can find lyrics to songs that enter the "humstle" zone.

I was reading a Newsmax feed, this morning about The Rev. Franklin Graham, who is praising Vladimir Putin's stand against homosexuality. As I always do, I continue by reading the threads of comments. Because it's Newsmax ( a Rupert Murdoch company) the opinion is pretty one sided. It almost 100% laid the blame for homosexuality on the President, you know the guy between two ferns', yeah the guy who looks terrible in Mom Jeans.

It made me think of the exercise in futility of lamenting people who don't seem to be able to think for themselves, the ones who are foursquare lined up against their own self interests... probably not in the case of homosexuality, but in an abject fear that the life they planned for so carefully is being systematically taken away from them. And it all seems to be a thug from Chicago's fault.

Just a shorty today. Please check out the lyrics of the song. They are simple but powerful. It ain't hip hop or dub step. Just simple words that maybe wouldn't hurt to enter your brain space for a short while. I better catch you while I can, because for the next two weeks it's time for college hoops and the run up to opening day baseball-- which in the midst of Crimea, Putin, a plane we can't seem to locate and a President who is in a free fall of popularity because he didn't pick easy shit to work on-- I am looking forward to this year, more than in other years. Maybe baseball is my antidote for a world that I understand less and less. Because baseball is part of MY carefully planned life.

We all need to breathe---------------------ahhhhh. That's better.

Remember the words of the day. Don't buy stuff the Koch Brothers make that you don't need.

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