I have some simple questions.
But first a small fact. In 2008, President Bush negotiated the Status of Forces Agreement with the Iraqi government. It stated that U.S. troops would be out of Iraqi cities by the end of 2009 and all forces would leave Iraq by the end of 2011. Sometimes Wikipedia is incorrect but that is where this statement is coming from.
Now for the questions.
Should we have voided the SOFA agreement, defied the leadership of Iraq and left soldiers there? Are we responsible for a vacuum that all but guaranteed that sectarian violence between Sunni and Shia would resume? 8,000 Iraqis died from this violence in 2013
Is this fighting not an extension of an exercise in fatality futility that has gone on for hundreds (perhaps thousands) of years, not only in Iraq, but other middle eastern nations with disparate Muslim sects as their primary population?
Was our original invasion of Iraq justified in your opinion? Do you believe that there truly were WMD's in that country? If not or if so, was the justification to invade based upon Iraq being a stronghold for Al Qaeda or other groups that were involved in the events of 9/11? Further, were we not aware of the pitfalls of invading Iraq and trying to inject ourselves into sectarian violence between Muslim sects. No I'm not forgetting about the Kurds.
Did the existence of massive amounts of fossil fuels have anything to do with the decision to invade?
2013 marked the 10 year anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. If 6 1/2 out of every ten people say they've had enough, is this not a clear plurality of opinion that for the foreseeable future, we need to avoid war?? With the budgetary battles we continually have, why is the military exempt from living within its means? And if not one penny is taken from the military, then I would support 50% of every dollar go to honoring and treating the people who came home from these wars. I'm not sure we can ever show them the homage they earned by volunteering and fighting our millionaire politician's battles.
And Afghanistan is a whole 'nother story.
Entire generations are living in the shadow of war. Very little is as important as the conscious decision to stop doing this!!!! Think of it--- Congressman Clay Aiken. Hell, Sonny Bono was bad enough
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